Pass in front of you


how to use The in system box

Good news!!! Your bad passing is not because you suck.

Are you still only thinking about passing the ball anywhere on the court? If so you are not alone. It is easy to become so focused on the server when your head is screaming “Don’t mess up!”.

The good news is there is a passing system that will help you focus on passing that ball to a single target. I teach all of my students to use the in box system because the best players that win are usually passing in system 80% of the time.

Want to dominate on the court? Practice passing in front of you. Trust me, your mind will thank you and your setter will thank you. 

what is the In system box?

The inbox system is a passing strategy that sets your offense up for success. When both you and your setter know where you’re going to pass the ball everyone is working toward the same target.

Where is this target? I’d be happy to show you (reference fig 1.1 below to get a visual and stay tuned for videos of this technique).

Visualize a beach volleyball court with me. If you focus on the middle of the court on your side of the net. There is a box. At the corner of this box closest to you is a prime location to pass the ball. An 8-10 foot high pass that lands 5 feet off the net will help set your team up for success. Keep reading to find out how we practice getting the ball to this spot. 

how to practice passing in system

When it comes to passing, practice … practice … practice. The more touches you get on the ball and the more comfortable you are trying to pass in front of you the easier and more automatic it will become.

If you’re curious but don’t know where to start, let me break down what it means to pass in front of you.

1. Stand on whatever side you prefer to play on left, or right  (pro tip: try learning to play both, but also work on getting really good on your favorite side).

2. Outline the in-system box in the sand with your feet or with cones. Draw a circle in the corner nearest you or put an item there to represent a target. 

3. Have a person toss 10-20 balls to you while they are standing on this target. They should toss the ball 8-10 feet in the air to you and all you have to do is practice passing to exactly where they are standing.

4. DO NOT FOCUS ON IF YOU HIT THE TARGET OR NOT! This drill is about practice, not perfection. Talk about your day, ask your partner about what they’re doing this weekend and apply your attention to being ready for the next toss. 

Over the long haul the objective is to pass so many times that you aren’t worried about a good pass or a bad pass. Your subconscious will do that for you naturally.

take it to the next level

Want to turn it up a notch? Have your partner throw or serve to you from the other side of the court. Although your partner won’t be standing in this magical location still attempt to aim for the corner of the in-system box.  You can even put a sweatshirt or cone down so you know what you’re aiming for.

Start off tossing the ball or throwing it easy for 10 then more difficult for 10. This will get your neurological system prepped for the harder stuff while building confidence. 

Again don’t worry too much on perfection rather than getting as many reps as you can. Yes quantity is sometimes better than quality. 

See you on the beach,



How to set in Beach Volleyball 4v4 or 3v3


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